About Us
From Python programming to Arabic culture immersions, we handcraft journeys that position people uniquely for the future.
x/plora international is an educational platform based in the UK and USA. We curate innovative learning experiences grounded in creativity and inclusion. In an increasingly ever-changing world, we believe that new values are vital for the sustainable development of our planet. We programme a wide range of classes from different disciplines to ignite an interdisciplinary curiosity in our learners. We draw on a diverse range of disciplines and art forms to curate education initiatives including:
Virtual and Physical Classes and Courses
Work Experience Opportunities
Travel and Tour arrangement
Events, gatherings, and workshop and festivals
Summer School educative excursions for young adults
Consultancy and Facilitation Services
The way we live, work and travel are evolving. We need to prepare ourselves and the next generations, focusing on the skills needed in the 21st century. The world needs a more inclusive and creative educational system, building a workforce that can draw on emotional intelligence and elevated communication to quickly adapt to environmental changes.
The WEF Future of Jobs Report suggests that 85 million jobs may be displaced by 2025 due to a change in the way labour is divided between humans and machines. They also estimated the creation of 97 million jobs to accommodate the demand for new roles and skills. Emotional intelligence (a combination of self-reflection, self-regulation, internal motivation, empathy, and social skills) has risen to the top rank of needed skills. As the ascent of social unrest, economic uncertainty, and an ongoing global health scare continue, these skills warrant more focus.
source @ WEF Future of Jobs Report 2020
source @ muchskills
Our Values
We create opportunities for people to develop the skills that will become increasingly needed. These include creativity, empathy and social skills. In an increasingly automated world, we will need to fill that gap the machines can’t: to be human. Our world-class teachers, creatives and practitioners inspire people to explore new talents and leap into the future armed with sought-after skills. We foster openness to the new, emotional intelligence, motivating people to reconnect with their artistic side, strengthen their creativity and broaden their horizons at the intersection of technology, nature and culture.